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Dark green tile

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About dark green tile


Interior design is a dynamic field, with trends constantly evolving. One trend that has made a significant comeback is the use of dark green tiles, reminiscent of the mid-century bathrooms of the '50s and '60s. This resurgence is not merely a nostalgic nod to the past, but a testament to the enduring appeal of dark green in our living spaces. The color green, rich in symbolism and history, has always held a special place in interior design. Today, it's making a bold statement in homes and commercial spaces alike, with dark green tiles leading the charge. This article explores the emergence of this trend, its historical context, psychological and aesthetic appeal, and provides practical tips on incorporating dark green tiles into your space.

The Emergence of Dark Green Tiles

Dark green tiles, reminiscent of the mid-century bathrooms, are making a comeback. In the '50s and '60s, jade green was a classic bathroom color, with square tiles covering the walls. This color trend is now resurfacing, cutting through the monotony of modern designs. The resurgence of vintage bathrooms, including the beloved 'green bathroom', is a testament to the enduring appeal of dark green tiles. The past may indeed be an indicator of the future for bathroom interior design, with dark green tiles becoming increasingly popular.

Historical Context of Dark Green in Interior Design

The color green has a rich history in interior design, dating back to ancient Egypt where it symbolized fertility and rebirth. This symbolism was revived in the Middle Ages, with green often used in art and decor. The Victorian era saw the introduction of a vibrant green pigment that was widely used despite its toxic properties. Green also dominated during the Art Nouveau period, reflecting a love for nature. More recently, the rise of environmental awareness has brought green back into favor, with various shades being used to evoke feelings of balance, serenity, and freshness.

Why Dark Green Tiles are Trending Now

One of the trending colors this year is green. It’s bold and it’s a statement. Green is a color that is rich with meaning, associated with renewal, growth, luck, and new life. These tie-ins are a few reasons why using green in a home redesign or renovation works wonders. There are many ways to utilize the color – green subway tile for the kitchen or green ceramic tile for the bathroom. Today, we provide you with our top green tile options.

Psychological and Aesthetic Appeal of Dark Green

Dark green, a dominant color in nature, symbolizes harmony, tranquility, and peace. It's associated with growth, renewal, and balance, fostering a sense of security and calm. In the context of interior design, dark green tiles can bring these soothing qualities into a space, promoting a sense of stability and endurance. The color green also enhances positive cognitive outcomes, such as improved memory and problem-solving, making it an ideal choice for spaces where focus and creativity are needed.

Color Theory and Dark Green

The color green, particularly dark green, has a profound psychological impact. It's associated with positive thinking, relationships, and physical health. Green is thought to relieve stress and promote healing, often used in medical facilities' decor. It's also linked to stress relief, better impulse control, and improved focus, especially when associated with natural environments. Your personal and cultural experiences play a significant role in how dark green affects you. In spiritual terms, green symbolizes life, rebirth, and renewal, indicating new beginnings and vibrant health.

Emotional Impact of Dark Green

The color green, particularly dark green, carries a range of visual and mental associations. It's often perceived as tranquil and refreshing, promoting a sense of renewal, self-control, and harmony. Dark green can be very traditional, calm, and manly. However, an overuse of green can lead to feelings of laziness, moodiness, and depression. Therefore, the key to using dark green, especially in interior design, is moderation.

Incorporating Dark Green Tiles in Your Space

Dark green tiles can add drama and elegance to your bathroom. They are particularly effective when used as accents or focal points. To achieve a luxurious look, consider pairing deep shiny glazed green tiles with brass or gold finishes. This combination immediately oozes luxury and glamour. Dark green tiles can also be used in smaller bathrooms or downstairs washrooms for a striking effect. Remember, the choice of complementary colors and materials can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic.

Choosing the Right Shade and Texture

Choosing the right shade and texture of dark green tiles can significantly impact the overall aesthetic of your space. For instance, a super polished gloss finish tile offers a bold statement. A matte glazed tile, on the other hand, adds depth and interest to any space. A deep green infused with blue tones gives off a gem-like quality. A tile that ranges from juniper green to charcoal grey, while an earthy olive green tile is perfect for a relaxed and natural feeling. Each shade and texture offers a unique appeal, making it crucial to choose wisely based on your design preferences.

Complementary Colors and Materials

To create a harmonious and cohesive look with dark green tiles, consider the following wall colour options: lighter shades of green, neutral tones like white or beige, or contrasting colors like light pink or coral. The choice of complementary materials also plays a crucial role. Natural materials like wood or stone can enhance the organic appeal of dark green tiles, while metallic accents in brass or gold can add a touch of luxury and sophistication. The right combination of colors and materials can elevate the overall aesthetic of your space.

Successful Implementations of Dark Green Tiles

Dark green tiles have been successfully implemented in various spaces. A polished gloss finish tile creates a bold statement and pairs well with brass accents. A matte glaze adds depth and interest to kitchen backsplashes and accent walls. A deep green infused with blue tones gives off great energy as a bathroom floor. A dark green tile with a range from juniper green to charcoal grey is perfect for expansive fireplaces and high contrast showers. Lastly, an earthy olive green gives a relaxed and natural feeling, ideal for bathrooms.

Residential Spaces

Dark green tiles are becoming increasingly popular in residential spaces. Their glossy finish reflects light, ensuring that even dark shades can be used in bright spaces without detracting from natural light. The deep, captivating shade pairs beautifully with various finishes, making it ideal for a bold statement. Its dark forest green shade represents balance, calm, and tranquility, making it restorative and rejuvenating.

Commercial Spaces

Dark green tiles have found their way into commercial spaces as well, adding depth and interest. A notable example is the use of a rich, textured green shade as an accent color, surrounded by bright white brick, demonstrating how a strip of rich green can significantly enhance a commercial space. The glossy green shade not only adds a touch of luxury but also brings the outdoors in, creating an inviting atmosphere.


The resurgence of dark green tiles in interior design is a trend that combines historical significance, psychological benefits, and aesthetic appeal. From their origins in mid-century bathrooms to their modern applications in residential and commercial spaces, dark green tiles have proven their enduring charm. They offer a unique blend of tranquility, balance, and renewal, making them an ideal choice for those seeking to create a calming and harmonious environment. Whether you're looking to make a bold statement with a glossy tile or seeking a more subdued effect with a matte finish, the versatility of dark green tiles allows for a wide range of design possibilities. As we continue to embrace this trend, it's clear that the future of interior design is looking increasingly green.